Sunday, March 6, 2016

February 29 at ang Pagnanasa Episode Recap

"Cardo and Trina masquerade as a married couple as Joaquin succeeds in his evil plans with Carmen"

Previously: Trina is kidnapped from her event and Cardo rushes to save her. He manages to elude the rebels, only to plunge the car into mud.

**To follow ang pictures!

Lola Kap is asking Delfin  Cardo’s whereabouts. He assures her she will be fine. But Lola is persistent! She demands what these rebels what from Trina. Onyok butts in and tells everyone he should have been Cardo’s bodyguard. After all, if Cardo protects Trina, who will be the one to protect him?

In the Tuazon household, Verna looks like a mess! Thomas is angry towards her and for owing Cardo a favor after he rescues Rachel. Thomas demands if this is the normal life she wants for their children. He insists that he will be followed on decisions regarding their children’s lives. Thomas leaves, leaving a heartbroken Verna. Cita comes in and cries when she sees Verna’s distress. They hug and comfort each other.

Trina wakes up from her slumber. Cardo is nowhere in sight. She calls his name and opens the car door to look for him, only to fall in the puddle of mud. Poor Trina! Cardo hears her cries of rage and rushes while holding a bundle of bananas to eat. She asks where he was while she was sleeping. Cardo shows her the bananas he brought to eat. Trina complains to Cardo for the nth time that she wants to go home, but Cardo discourages her until it is safe. He suggests they look for a place to stay.

Meanwhile, Glen is talking with her family via mobile phone. She is worrying about Cards. Her family remark that his missions are always dangerous. 

While on  duty, Glen’s friend is reading a newspaper, featuring Trina as the headliner. They ask Glen if she knows Trina’s bodyguard. She replies that it’s her childhood friend. Her friend jokes that Cardo might be dead, but Glen dismisses the comment,  “He cant die. He can save himself and save Trina.”

Back in the woods, Trina keeps on complaining and whining. Cardo has enough when a wild pokemon couple appears to answer their prayers. The couple introduce themselves as Berting and Ligaya. Cardo , however, introduces himself as Ric, and Trina as Trining, his wife. Trina is outraged, by Cardo wants her to play along. She asks the couple if they have cellphones or electricity. The couple answer they have no electricity and no need for cellphones since they know everyone and are within proximity of one another. Trina is shocked and goes hysterical. Cardo whispers to her “This is not Makati, nasa gubat tayo.” to shut her up. Berting and Ligaya then invite the couple to their house (or was it the other way around?). Cardo holds Trina’s hands and tells her to play along.

Homer pays some guy to update him on Trina and Cardo’s whereabouts. He is sure that the two are still within the forest. . Homer lashes out at his comrade when he suggests they go home.  “We will stay until we find her!”

Lola Kap is talking with Glen on the phone. Onyok is sad that Glen can’t help look for Cardo. Benny tells him Cardo doesn’t need help. The little boy hugs Lola Kap.

Back in the woods, Berting and Ligaya introduce them to their friendly neighbors.  

“let’s go babes”
“anong babes?”
“wag ka na maging choosy”

Junior is hugging his mom, telling her he is afraid is something bad will happen to Cardo. Joaquin promises Junior he will ensure Cardo will go safely return home. He tells the young boy not to be sad. Junior returns to his mothers arms, as Joaquin fixes his gaze on her.

Ligaya offers water & cloth to remove the dirt from her face. Cardo sits beside Trina and  wipes the dirt himself. Trina is aghast because Cardo is taking advantage of her. He rebuts her accusation and  tells her she is the one abusing him. Food is served and Trina asks for Kubyertos. Berting tells her “hindi uso ditto” and Cardo demonstrates to Trina how they eat.

The socialite asks if they cooked Adobo. Ligaya confirms it is and she happily eats it, telling them Adobong Chicken is her favorite. Berting destroys her fantasy and tells it is a frog he caught earlier. Choking, the couple fetches water for her.

“Is that water safe?” Instead, Cardo tells her to be grateful of the couple’s kindness towards them. He tells her they are offering to her what they should have eaten by themselves.

Trina thanks Berting and Ligaya after they offer them Corn. While eating, Cardo requests if they can stay in their place since Trina is pregnant. Ligaya laughs and tells her she was also mean when she was pregnant. Trina tells them Cardo is lying about her pregnancy. Cardo just laughs and jokes  she will be! Everyone laughs except for Trina. Cardo asks what happened to Berting & Ligaya's child. He answers the child died of dengue. He excuses himself to prepare their bed and Ligaya excuses herself (I couldn’t catch up why ).

 Now that they are alone, Trina accuses Mr. Officer of taking advantage of her. He shrugs her off and tells her to take a bath. “Is there Hot water?” “Hot water? Huwag ka na maging Maarte.”

In the CIDG’s board room, they team witness  a CCTV footage of Trina’s kidnapping and Cardo rushing off to save her. 

Glen and company are gathered by their superior to report back at 1100 and are dismissed. She remarks there must be a serious problem

Mike is walking and takling Delfin about the rebel group and gun smugglers. Delfin explains that they are trying to trace the suppliers to which will lead them to the Blood Scorpio Group. As a matter of fact, they have intercepted them at the port. The CIDG is knowing to whom the guns will be delivered. Delfin reassures Mike that they will rescue Trina. He is confident in Cardo’s skills to keep her safe.

Cardo fills a bucket with water and tells Trina to have her bath. She thanks him, and Cardo is amused that she is beginning to say "thank you". Trina brings up the issue of going home again, and is afraid of owing the couple a favor, especially when they don’t have money. He reminds her that not all people expect payment when helping others.

Ligaya asks Cardo to help her with another bucket of water. Trina takes this opportunity to observe him from afar. She closes the curtain when he goes back to his seat. Sensing she’s peeking at him,  Cardo reminds her to take a bath and tells her “ wala akong pagnanasa sa katawan mo”. Trina makes a face and finally closes the curtain for good.

Meanwhile, Homer’s goon calls his attention because they discovered something--- Cardo and Trina’s empty car. He orders his men to continue searching the area .

It is a sad sad day for Lola Kap and the gang. Everyone is wearing a sad face.  Onyok asks Lola he and bennie will look for Cardo. But lola encourages him to pray instead and ask that Cardo and Trina return home safely.  Yolly hopes Delfinl will bring good news. Benny is confident that he will return, just like Ador did. Elmo adds that Ador did return for every mission, except  the last which killed him. But Yolly doesn’t allow him to finish the last three sentences out of respect to Lola Kap.

Fully refreshed and dressed up, Trina, for the nth time, asks SP01 Dalisay how long they will stay with the couple. And Cardo, for the nth time, tells her the same answer: Until it is safe from the rebels.

“Rebels? What rebels?! I thought you were husband and wife!” 
Uh-oh! Buking ang sikreto niyo Ric at Trining!

Glen and her friends are informed of Trina;s abduction by the Black Scorpion Group. Laguna is the hotspot of these rebels. Glen and company are to assist the CIDG. Glen’s friend comments that Cardo could be nearby. Glen hopes that they aren’t caught. They are shown the picture of the rebels’ vehicles. Glen mentions she would help Cardo if she “Wasn’t here”. Her classmate tells her the only help she can give is to be vigilant of the cars shown in the photos.

Cardo apologizes for lying, tells them their real identities and the purpose why they are hiding. Ligaya is concerned for her and their neighbors safety. Cardo pleads to stay with them more a couple of days. Berting agrees to Cardo’s request and Ligaya promises to seek  their neighbors' cooperation to preserve their secret.

Trina approaches Ligaya and genuinely thanks her. I think this is the beginning of a new and improved Trina Trinindad!

Fritz and Mike are watching the news on Trina’s abduction. Fritz is worried and fears it isn’t just an ordinary case of kidnap for ransom. After all, a lot of people were angry because of her ugly attitude!

 What if she was kidnapped for revenge? Mike assures Fritz that isn’t the case, because he knows she was kidnapped because of him.

At Papa Toms, Joquin informs Carmen that his men are posted to look for Cardo. She thanks him, but before he leaves, she reaches out to his arm to tell him she appreciates his efforts. Uh-Oh. Papa Toms witnesses their scene and monologues that Joaquin needs to stop.

Back in Berting and Ligaya’s home, Cardo is standing in front of Mama Mary and prays out loud for forgiveness because of the worry he's causing to his relatives. He prays for help to return Trina safely

Trina interrupts Cardo’s litany and prays him as well.  She is apologizes for dragging him into trouble, not realizing he has a family to return to. Cardo (for the nth time) tells her its duty to save her, especially that Mike is concerned about her.

Trina is not convinced and reveals the reason why she hates Uncle Mike: “He hurts my mom”.  

For her, Mike’s patience and gestures are his way of fulfilling his promise to her mom. “gusto niyang” bumawi. She can’t get over how mad she is at him, and how mad she is with herself.

We are then presented with a Flashback: A young Trina rushes to the hospital and cries as Mike consoles her. Mike tells her Maricella looked for her when she ran away, but was hit by a car. They have no idea who ran over her.

Trina blames herself for her mother’s death. If she never ran away, her mother would have never left the house to look for her. If her mother never left the house to look for her, she wouldn’t have been killed by a car. If she wasn’t killed by a car, she wouldn’t be alone.Sensing her deep pain, Cardo tells her she isn’t alone and hugs her.

Lola Kap wakes up Onyok in the living room  and tells him to sleep in the room. Onyok asks if Cardo has returned. She tells him no. He tells Lola how much he misses Cardo. They both hug one another.

….how many times do they have to ask if Cardo’s home?

Mike is with his goons, hanging around a table full of guns. One of his men suggests if Trina is already kidnapped, she may already know what business Mike is involved in. Mike remarks that Homer will blackmail him if they kidnap Trina. His goon asks him what he will do if Trina tells the authorities about his illegal business. Mike has another internal monologue: He won’t allow it, and will do what he did to her mom.

We’re then treated to another flashback:

Maricella hops in her car to report what she knows about Mike. Mike chases after her. After arriving outside of Crame, she decides to turn her husband in. As she is about to cross the road, Mike Alonzo presses down the car’s accelator to hit and kill his wife. 

Yes, your mother did not die because of you Trina. Your stepfather killed her!

Joaquin visits Carmen in her office and asks if he can escorts her home. She agrees. (but first, let’s have dinner)

Joaquin gives her a glass of wine, and sadly tells her that she won’t notice him when Cardo returns. However, should he fulfill his promise to her and Junior, he hopes she will return his affections. Carmen excuses herself to go to the comfort room.

He takes this chance to put a drug on her drink, and as Carmen returns, pretends nothing has happened. He urges her to drink since “konti na lang ang wine”. Carmen drinks the wine offered by the devil. 

I hate you DreamscapePH.

Back to Mr. Officer and Ms. Socialite, Trina asks why Cardo isn’t asleep yet. He gives the same old answers, but adds to call him “Cardo” since they are already close. Unbeknownst to them, Homer’s spy is lurking outside the window, ready to turn them in.

The camera now returns to the Devil and Carmen. Joaquin asks if Carmen loves Cardo. She tells him yes, “mahal ko yun”, but has accepted that nothing can be done about it since he doesn’t return her affections. She cries because Junior already sees Cardo as a second father. She could not bear it if Junior would lose Cardo as well. Joaquin kisses her, and Carmen… does not do anything! 


Joaquin,  Isa kang tunay na Hokage.. tunay na masamang Hokage! >:(

Oh, Joaquin escorts her all right… he escorts her to his bed! A shell-shocked Carmen tells Joaquin that what happened between them should not have happened. Joaquin replies she shouldn’t think he took advantage of her. “Mahal kita, Carmen.” She then tells him that he is not at fault, because he didn’t force her (if you only knew what he poured in your drink!). 

But Joaquin tells her he is—by forcing her to love him. Carmen has an internal monologue as she stares at Joaquin. She finally understands how he feels- to love someone too much but you can’t do anything to make them love you back.

Joaquin finally escorts a disheveled Carmen to her house. Her parents come down and remark she returned late. Then they ask if she’s dating Joaquin. Carmen is undecided. Then his dad drops the bomb: “Maybe he really has a chance!”

Now this.. this is the worst thing I have ever seen. Joaquin is drinking with his friends, celebrating that he has finally bedded he wife of the man he killed. Now that he has slept with her, Joaquin will finally triumph over Cardo for a chance with Carmen. His other buddy adds that “Iba bumigay ang katawan sa puso”. Joaquin monologues he will win Carmen after sleeping with her.

God DreamscapePH. Do you know what you are doing? You are showing the people how bad people can be.  

The next day, a distraught looking Carmen is preparing food for Junior. Junior smiles at her and she looks…. well, distraught. Her mother notices this and advises Carmen to talk to her about her problems. She asks if Carmen can deliver Adobo to lola kap.. uh-oh. Carmen does not look happy.

Joaquin returns home, only to be interrupted by Thomas’ booming voice. 

“You didn’t return home last night. Where have you been?”

“With Carmen”

Thomas snaps and tells him for the nth time not to involve himself with Carmen. Verna steps in and supports Thomas. A frustrated Joaquin marches to his room.

Carmen visits lola, but she can’t directly look at her in the face. :(

She asks for news about Cardo. Onyok assures her he will defeat the bad guys. Junior is confident that he will save Trina, the same way he saved her from Madam Olga.


Okay, I stopped documenting what I watched today at Cinemo’s FPJAP marathon. To recap an episode is not an easy job. No wonder people don’t do this a lot!

But now that I’ve watched the March 1 Carmen x Joaquin scenes, I can finally understand why CarCar fans are raging that she didn’t put up a fight when Joaquin kissed her. BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T. No wonder all those people who cared for Carmen were angry. Because the writers and the director made her look easy. Nevertheless, I still believe it was the drug’s fault.

I don’t feel as messed up and affected compared to last week. I feel empty. Right now, I really don’t care if Carmen will end up with him. All I care is that Joaquin gets his karma—retributive karma, and Carmen gets her justice.

Come to think of it, the #FPJAPPagnanasa does not refer to Joaquin-Carmen at all. It’s actually between Cardo-Trina during the bath scene.

***note: This serye has a lot of inserted scenes in a scene. For example: You have a scene 1 where Cardo is talking with Trina. But this scene is spliced by two other scenes: Lola Kap talking to Delfin and Homer looking for the duo. To make it easier to read, I grouped and wrote the scenes in one paragraph. One paragraph for the Cardo-Trina scene and another paragraph for the Lola Kap-Delfin scene.

*** note: dios mio, baka mali-mali na yung syntax and grammar ko. sige lang. babawi ako.

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