Tuesday, March 15, 2016

#FPJAPPakikitungo Episode 122

Carmen breaks Lola Flora's heart.
Junior walks out.
Meet Cardo, Glen and their imaginary son.

March 15, 2016

Cita praises Carmen, who's cooking her Binagoongan. Verna comes in and Carmen offers her to taste it. Verna compliments her dish, and kindly corrects her when Carmen calls her "ma'am". Thomas asks what the smell is and exclaims it stinks. Verna offers to hide the dish, but Thomas tells them to throw it instead. He tells his wife to be prepared for their upcoming charity work. Carmen suggests to volunteer, but he bluntly refuses her help. As Thomas goes inside to ride his car, Carmen chases after him.

Carmen tells her father-in-law that Joaquin told her he had no issues with them staying in their house. She tells him they could leave instead. Joaquin cuts the conversation saying everything is alright. Thomas remarks her he's just adjusting. Once he's gone, Carmen tells her husband Thomas must be thinking they are forcing themselves in their house. Joaquin assures her that their father is just adjusting.

Dr. Ivan tours Belinda to his Operation Room. He tells her the set-up is like a hospital, except for the long wait for a donor.

Inside the board room, Cardo and the rest of the CIDG are talking about getting the list of residents in Sta. Rosa Village.

Dr. Ivan informs Belinda the cost of the transplant, including the donor's organ, costs three (3) million. He assures her they will observe confidentiality. He asks Belinda not to tell anyone she visited his facility.He wants to ensure its safety and security.

Belinda asks if he is threatening her. Dr. Ivan evades her questions and reminds her of their common goal-to save her son. She doesn't stop there. She asks his credentials as a surgeon. He eludes her question and tells her it doesn't matter, because he's her only hope. Ivan stands up to offer his hand. Belinda accepts it, sealing their bargain.

Carmen and Joaquin are waiting for Junior after class. He comes out and tells her he's one of the Top 3. Carmen's phone rings and she excuses herself. Joaquin stands in between him and Carmen and stares at the poor kid, intimidating him. Junior doesn't make eye-contact. Junior actually looks like a poor puppy :(

Carmen returns to them and asks if they can visit her parents. Joaquin agrees. Carmen hugs her son, who has masks his expression. Joaquin is staring at the kid as if he wants to kill him.

While making their way to the Guzman's house, Dino calls Joaquin that Cardo finally has a lead on the syndicates. When he hears the suspect is in Sta. Rosa Village, he tells them his father isn't really involved in the deal.

Thomas hands Fernan a bonus and commends him that he didn't botch his recent delivery. He asks if he can count on him. Fernan replies he can.

Norma hugs and kisses her grandson, telling him how much she misses him since he rarely visits them. Joaquin tells his in-laws he wants Junior to adjust, and plans to transfer him to an exclusive school. He adds that it's what Carmen wants as well. ( pero in reality, it's just his decision) Carmen doesn't speak. The rest of the family plaster their expression during the wedding.

Belinda emails Jordan's medical files to Dr. Ivan. She lies beside her son and promises him he will recover so he can fulfill his dream to become a doctor.

Fernan visits Ivan. The Doctor tells him to look for a kid because they have a new client.

In Lolo Flora's household, Cardo tells Glen they finally have a lead to they syndicate they're looking for. Glen is grateful and is hopeful. She tells him they just received another report of abducted children.

Lola Kap appears and gives Cardo the phone. Junior is on the other side of the line. He informs his uncle he has a medal, and wants Cardo to hang it on him. Joaquin overhears this conversation. Cardo promises to him he will go to school. "Basta pangako mo yan, ha?" he tells Cardo. Joaquin does not look happy with the conversation.

In bed, Onyok exclaims to Cardo he's excited to see Junior tomorrow. He misses and wants to play with him. Cardo hugs curly tops .

In Junior's bedroom, he tells his mom that Cardo, Lola Flora and the rest of the family will be present on his recognition day. He asks her mom if she's really happy with Tito Joaquin. Carmen is caught off-guard, but tells him Joaquin is doing everything to be a good stepdad to him. Junior reminisces what Joaquin did to him at the arcade. Carmen notices her son spaced-out and asks him why he asked. Junior tells her it's nothing and embraces her instead.

Inside the CIDG boardroom, Billy informs everyone there are two doctors in the Sta. Rosa Subdivision. One is abroad, while the other one is bed-ridden by stroke. Cardo still wants to village to be inspected and plans to have Belinda under surveillance.

Cardo is inside the men's comfort room when Joaquin enters to talk to him. He requests Cardo that he personally wants to hang Junior's medals. Cardo tells him there's no problem, since he will still be attending the recognition day. Joaquin informs him that's his other problem: he doesn't want Cardo to attend. Joaquin tells him he wants to be seen as Junior's father figure. He adds he doesn't want to eliminate him from Junior's life and hopes Cardo understands. Cardo hesitatingly gives in to his unfair request.

The Guzman family have a little pictorial on Junior's Recognition day. Junior sees Onyok, Lola Kap and the rest of the family. Lola praises Junior. He tells how much he misses her. Lola asks Carmen where Joaquin is. Carmen replies he's coming. Junior asks where Cardo is. Lola apologizes and informs him he can't attend. Cardo promised to make up time with him. Onyok tells Junior not to be lonely. Benny jokes, "magpaburger ka kina ser Joaquin mamaya Junior". When the principal/teacher calls everyone to come inside, Lola brings Carmen aside to talk with her.

She informs her she prepared food to celebrate. Carmen apologizes they can't attend and tells her Joaquin prepared for their celebration. Lola is hurt and reminds Carmen of their conversation that nothing will change. Carmen reasons that this is a way of getting along with Joaquin's family. Lola asks if Junior is happy with their decision, or Joaquin's decision. Carmen does not reply to Lola's question. Both women's eyes start to tear up. Joaquin arrives and kisses Carmen. He tells her they should go inside. He does not even acknowledge Lola Flora and drags Carmen with him. Carmen glances at Lola, while Lola Flora looks at the viewers with tears and sadness in her eyes.

Glen and Cardo practice their alibi. They will pretend to be a couple with a young son named Lance. Their imaginary son is struck with acute liver failure. Glen places her hand on Cardo's hands "Di dapat mawala ang anak natin" Cardo plays along with her drama and they give each other a high-five.

During the ceremony, Junior keeps stealing glances, hoping Cardo will arrive. Joaquin and Carmen notice him doing this. (Uh-oh, Joaquin). Junior's name is called and they climb up the stage. Joaquin, with subtle force, takes the medal from Carmen and hangs it around Junior. As they smile towards the camera, Junior isn't smiling.

A well-dressed Glen and Cardo walk along a hospital's corridors (probably a dialysis center). Cardo remarks he can feel the heavy aura of the hospital. Glen asks if he's ready and holds his hand. Cardo replies he is and they begin to search for Belinda.

A crying Belinda walks out during Jordan's dialysis. The physician follows her outside and tells her to have patience for an available donor. The doctor returns inside and Belinda sits down. A couple of chairs away from her, Glen and Cardo play their role to the hilt! Glen starts crying about their imaginary son. Belinda offers her water. Cardo thanks her and introduces themselves with their aliases. Belinda remarks how difficult it is to find a donor. Glen continues to cry and tells her they can't wait any longer. Cardo assures her someone will help them. Glen asks, "who?"

Their roleplay is cut short when the physician informs Belinda the dialysis is finished. She excuses herself.

The Tuazons celebrate Junior's recognition day in their dining hall. Verna asks the boy if there's a problem. Junior tells them he wants to see tito Cardo. Joaquin snides what more could he ask for, especially when Lola Flora was present during the school activity. He forbids the boy from seeing Cardo. Junior raises his voice and asks why he can't. Junior can't take enough of Joaquin's garbage and walks out on them (like a boss!). Carmen tries to follow him, but Joaquin restrains her hand and glares at her to stay at the table. She sets aside his hand and follows her son.

Thomas and Verna are in their office. He remarks how concerned she is for Junior. Verna responds Junior is Joaquin's stressor. Thomas laughs and jokes the kid might be the reason for their separation.

In the hallway, Glen and Cardo talk about the woes of being a parent like Belinda. Cardo tells her that if a parent like her transacts with the Black Market, they become an accomplice. They plan to act and convince Belinda they are desperate for an organ donor.

Carmen reprimands the Junior's behavior. Junior asks why it's wrong to visit Cardo when they always visited him. She tells him to do it for daddy Joaquin. But Junior has had enough. He raises his voice and tells her he doesn't want to call him daddy. Carmen asks why he's becoming hard-headed.

Cardo is talking to Lola Flora on his mobile phone. He explains to her that he didn't attend upon Joaquin's request. After the conversation ends, Glen asks if he's okay. Cardo tells her Lola Flora wants to visit and see how Junior is doing. He feels guilty for not fulfilling his promise to him. Glen tells him not to feel that way, since he was also doing his job. " E di bumawi ka kay Junior"

Cardo thanks her, but Glen returns his thanks instead. She thanks him for including her in his mission. He compliments her on how good she looks in her outfit (not a Glen fan, but yes, she does look beautiful here!) Cardo leaves as their theme song plays in the background.



- Cardo and Glen beg Belinda for  her help, exclaiming they are willing to deal with the Black Market for a donor.

- Junior cries and begs Carmen, if she really loves him, to leave Joaquin.

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