Monday, March 14, 2016

#FPJAPPakitangTao Episode 121

Junior experiences Joaquin's brutality in the happiest place in the world. 

March 14, 2016

Carmen approaches Cita in the kitchen and offers to help her. Cita advises her to take a rest, but Carmen tells her she wants to help. Cita jokes she isn't used to doing nothing.

Joaquin confronts his father about his treatment to Carmen. He tells him he has no choice but to be amicable with Carmen. Thomas questions his son, stating he doesn't want to talk to her. Instead, he asks what Joaquin wants to talk about, "politics, blah blah blah, our business?"

Verna enters the kitchen and asks Carmen if she is okay. She knows Thomas unsettled her during their dinner. Carmen tells Verna she understands Thomas. Cita assures her everything will be okay.

Joaquin tells his father he returned to their house because of his wife and step-son. He threatens Thomas to leave the house if he can't accept them. Thomas just tells him to stay.

"I just hope that one day, we won't regret this decision of yours"

- Thomas' internal monologue as he stares at his firstborn

At the dinner table, Onyok leads the prayer and prays for Junior to be safe in his new home. He prays Junior won't forget them.

Junior lies down beside Junior and tucks him to bed. He talks about the incident with tito Joaquin. Carmen tells him to call him "daddy". But Junior persists and asks why Joaquin took the photos. Carmen tells him "Hayaan mo na yun."

While washing the dishes, Onyok asks Cardo if he will leave tonight. Cards tells Junior to sleep and not wait for him. Onyok remarks how Junior must be sleeping well with a soft bed; how well-provided he is with toys and delicious food.

But Cardo downplays his remark and reminds him, "The joy of a person doesn't lie in the size of the house,nor how delicious the meal is. We may not have a big house, but we are happy."

Onyok agrees with Cardo. "kaya pala masaya ako dito!"

Junior withdraws when he sees Joaquin enter the room. Joaquin tells his wife to return to their room. "Nay, mag-ingat po kayo"  he whispers and kisses his mom. Impatient, Joaquin forcefully grab's Carmen's elbow. She's surprised but disregards it and leaves the room with him. Junior doesn't look too happy.

Cardo tells Onyok to be always safe. He picks him up and gives him a big hug.

At Camp Crame, Delfin and the rest of the CIDG are talking about the increasing brutality of the criminals. They talk about looking for Mara's parents using social media. Delfin instructs the men to continue visiting hospitals to search for families who might be contacted by the syndicates.

Fernan and his partner are waiting inside a van, parked nearby a playground brimming with kids. The other man is afraid of Fernan's sideline. He asks why Fernan is working for Thomas if he already has a different boss. Fernan replies he owes Dr. Ivan for extending the life of his child. He adds that the advantage of having two bosses is that if he is caught, he can always point the blame to Thomas instead of Dr. Ivan.The other man asks how much Fernan's earning from the "Sideline", and replies "A lot."He agrees to be Fernan's accomplice, but demands he won't tell Thomas about their agreement.

Cardo enters the Board Room and Billy tells him they have a visitor. Everyone sits down, when some policemen bring a woman inside--it's Mara's mother!

At the DSWD, Mara's mother exclaims she doesn't know how to thank them. Cardo asks the mother not to be startled when she sees her daughter. A registered social worker brings Mara to her mother. The mother cries and hugs her daughter upon seeing what happened to Mara. Finally, Mara breaks down and cries with her mom.

Cardo monologues (internally, as usual) that even though Mara was reunited with her mom, she will never forget the experience she went through.

The camera switches to Cardo talking with his grandfather inside his office. Delfin tells him that it is inevitable-- they will witnesses to tragedies of human beings. The only action they can do is to offer people protection.

Fernan calls Thomas about the supply of kids to abduct. After Thomas ends the call, an exasperated Verna asks him, "Kailangan ba mag-follow up tungkol sa negosyo dito sa bahay?"

"Oo, tama. Dahil pala kay Carmen."

"Not only Carmen, but Rachel! Isipin mo na lang kapag marinig ni Rachel."

"Rachel has no choice but to accept. She is part of the family, but Carmen is not."he looks at his wife. "kapag dumating ang araw na yun, alam mo na kung anong gagawin ko."

Verna vows to him that day will never happen.

Joaquin, Carmen and Junior go to a mall arcade and bond as a family. Joaquin and Junior play basket ball and race car driving. For a moment, we have a picture of a normal looking family.

Delfin congratulates Cardo for suggesting the use of social media to return Mara to her mother. Cardo emphasizes the importance of social media in solving crimes and helping people. In this little way, everyone can become a hero.

After the games, Carmen asks Junior what he wants to eat. Joaquin tells her he will take care of it, but Carmen insists and leaves Junior with him. His step-son asks him if they really can't visit Tito Cardo. Joaquin snaps and forcefully grips Junior, threatening him when he will stop asking. He tells the poor kid to call him "daddy" and forcefully let's him go. Junior is startled at what Joaquin has done and looks scared. Carmen doesn't witness the scene because Joaquin has already let her son go.

Billy and Cardo talk about the criminals boldness in kidnapping children. Billy leaves him to alert other police stations. Cardo prays for the strength to save the abducted kids.

Junior looks awful! He looks glum as the family drives back home. Carmen notices his expression and asks why he is quiet. Joaquin doesn't give Junior to explain and tells his wife he's okay. He asks the kid where they want to go tomorrow.

"Kayo na po bahala....daddy," Junior sullenly replies.

Joaquin smirks and Carmen looks at her son and husband strangely.

Fernan and his henchmen go to a basketball court and kidnap the three children playing.

Dr. Ivan calls Fernan telling him to hurry. He doesn't want his client to withdraw the downpayment for the operation. Fernan assures him not to worry since he has a lot of supply available. The abducted kids are tied and wailing inside a room. Fernan appears and applies a tourniquet on the boy's right arm. The boy pleads Fernan not to hurt him. Fernan ignores the kids plea and prepares a syringe to extract their blood.

Cardo is still praying and is faithful that God will help him with his new mission. As he looks over the profile of the families he has to investigate, he lingers on Gelli de Belen's picture.

At a Dialysis Center, Gelli De Belen (or Belinda) is crying by  the bedside, gazing at her son who's hooked to a Dialysis machine.

Back in Belinda's house, her maid serves the mother and son breakfast. The maid asks if there is any news about Jordan's kidney donor. She looks at her and asks her to keep quiet. Her son, Jordan, puts the stethoscope's diaphragm on her chest and promises Belinda he will become a doctor and take care of her once he recovers. Belinda hugs her son, trying to control her tears.

In the other side, Dr. Ivan is having steak and wine for breakfast. "To my unwavering success", he tells himself as he drinks his glass of wine.

He reminisces the good old days when he was celebrating with his fellow doctors on his recent promotion as the head of a surgery department. His mentor heaps praises on him. Dr. Ivan promises to his fellow doctors he will not fail them.

However, he recalls another memory where thrashes a room as he hears voices telling him "Bobo!" "Hindi ka magiging doctor!". He acts out and grips his head. Looks like someone has daddy issues or issues here.

To cope with the anxiety, he takes pills and chugs it down with wine. The very next day, he collapses while performing a surgical operation.

His mentor angrily confronts him that his patient died during operation because he was high on drugs.
He angrily tells Ivan that what he has done is a ground to revoke his license. "You have failed me, Ivan!"

Cardo shows Belinda's profile to Glen. Belinda is the rich owner of a restaurant. Her husband while giving birth to Jordan. An infection lead the poor kid to have renal failure (renal failure= kidney failure).They suspect she has a strong motive to keep her son alive. (duh). Cardo plans to follow her and discover if she has any connection with the black market. He suspects that a doctor must be involved in this scheme, and honestly confesses to Glen he doesn't know the kind of people they are up to.

Belinda is googling for how to get donors for a kidney transplant. Her maid tells her Jordan is already sleeping. The nanny asks if she has tried to approach Belinda's family. Belinda laments the lack of children in her family. She eventually notices a link and clicks it. Dr. Ivan begins a conversation with her, offering his services to provide a donor of  her son's kidney.

Cardo follows Belinda to her restaurant. He pretends to be a customer as Belinda entertains her friend, Iris (okay, I forgot the actress' name. She looks like Gretchen Fullido and Bangs Garcia).
Cardo is practically standing and whistling around as he eavesdrop on their conversation.

Iris asks how Jordan is doing. Belinda tells her she doesn't her son to be hooked to a dialysis forever. Iris asks if she found a donor. Belinda responds she hasn't, but tells her she has another option---someone has offered her to look for a donor.

Iris questions if the offer is even legal. Belinda dismisses her concern, saying at this point, she doesn't care anymore. Cardo has just listened to the entire convo!

Iris follows Belinda outside, trying to convince her to abandon her plans. Belinda doesn't listen and hops on her car to meet with Dr. Ivan. Cardo follows her car to a subdivision, but is denied entry. He notes how strict the village security is and promises he will find out whom she's meeting.

While waiting for Dr. Ivan in his office, she's surprised to see large printouts of her and Jordan's pictures. Dr. Ivan finally meets her and she asks him how he got the photos. He tells her he's done research on her and for his "protection".

Belinda tells him how difficult it is to find a match for her son, but Ivan assures her he has the resources. Unable to help herself, Belinda asks which hospital he is connected. He nonchalantly replies he doesn't need a hospital.


Glen proposes to Cardo they pretend as a married couple, but he doesn't agree with her. 
Belinda asks if Dr. Ivan has plans to blackmail her. 


I added memes to make the recap more interesting. Nakakapagod magbasa ng isang wall of text. Wala masyadong screen time si Carmen and Junior here. More on Cardo-Fernan-Ivan ang take.

I'm sure by the end of this story arc, sasabihin ni Fernan kay Cardo ang involvement niya with Diego and Thomas. That plot device will make Carmen suspect Thomas and his family.

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