Wednesday, March 9, 2016

#FPJAPPaalala Episode 118

Joaquin resorts to blackmail.
This is not for the faint-hearted CarCar Fans.

March 9, 2016

Joaquin is looking crisp and clean. He opens the door to his condo, only to be greeted by Verna, Rachel and Cita. Rachel tells her brother they missed him. Verna has bought food for him. His family ask when he will go home. Rachel reminds him they can fix whatever problem he has with their father. Verna tells her daughter to go to the kitchen. She thanks Joaquin for visiting Thomas. Joaquin replies he just visited him to report about their business. Verna asks, no pleads if they can stay. She comments how dirty his condo has become. Joaquin refuses but gives in when Verna says she wants to do it for him. The three ladies bid Joaquin farewell as he reports to work.

Norma and Edgar are having another conversation about Joaquin and Carmen’s relationship. Nora states that Carmen has finally made her decision. Edgar, on the other hand, isn’t sure whether she pursued the relationship because she wants Junior to have a father, or because she wants to marry again. Nora finally tells him she accepted Joaquin’s love because she was hurt from her unrequited love for Cardo.

Cita points out Verna’s game plan to regain Joaquin’s good will is to support him. Verna tells her she is ready and trying to accept Carmen—to monitor and know everything about her so she doesn’t know their family’s secret.

Edgar is surprised and asks his wife if it is alright for her to accept  that Carmen said “yes” to love out of pity. Norma says no, but she is trying to understand where Carmen is coming from.

Onyok and Benny are outside Lola Kap’s house. Yok is telling the kids to go home because it isn’t safe. Cardo arrives and tells the kids to go home because it’s dangerous. Lola Kap appears and asks Cardo for updates on his case with Glen. She empathizes with the parents of the missing children because she felt the same way when Cardo’s father went missing. Cardo promises he will find the missing children.

Benny tells everyone they have a visitor. Junior jumps from the car and rushes to greet Onyok and hug Cardo. Carmen comes out and greets lola, accompanied by Joaquin. Cardo notices the way Joaquin hold Carmen. His smile becomes different.

(Yes! Finally! We finally see a reaction from you!)

Lola Kap and Carmen talk about the latter’s relationship with Joaquin. Outside, Cardo and Joaquin are also talking about Carmen. Cardo tells Joaquin he will not interfere with their relationship, but asks if he is ready to be a father to Junior. Lola asks Carmen’s assurance if Junior can still visit them as he pleases, if she marries with Joaquin. Carmen gives her personal assurance that nothing will change. Joaquin tells Cardo he is ready to be his dad. Cardo offers his hand and they both shake hands.

Onyok tells Junior to return so they can play again. Lola Kap and family bid farewell to Junior, Joaquin and Carmen. Joaquin looks sullen, but pays his respect and says farewell.  
While driving, Joaquin asks  if he enjoyed playing with Junior. Junior narrates how they played, but Carmen looks outside the window, looking sad.

Back in Lola Kap, Yolly remarks how quickly Carmen and Joaquin became a couple. Benny adds that Junior is lucky because he will inherit their family business. Onyok is worried that Junior may not return to them. But Lola Kap placates them and tells them Carmen promised nothing will change since they are the original family.

Outside the Guzman’s gate, Junior thanks Joaquin. Joaquin mentions something that prompts Carmen to say he spoils the child. He counters he will spoil her too. He moves to kiss her, but Carmen quickly turns her head away, goes inside and closes the gate. Joaquin looks mad and promises to himself he gave in to Junior’s whims today, but the moment they are married, he will cut their connection with Lola Kap…. Especially her connection with Cardo.

Joaquin returns to his spotless looking Condo. He picks up a note Verna left, stating she will support him because she cares for his happiness. She doesn’t fail to mention she wants their family to be complete.

Glen’s parents are starting to worry for her safety in dealing with these syndiactes. She tells them she had a classmate in Laguna, a married couple, who both perished and left their children as orphans. Glen wants to help others so theses parents won’t experience the same tragedy. The family hugs.
JKaoquin retruns to a clean condo. Verna leaves a note. She will support him because he care for his happiness. She wants his family to be complete.

Delfin, Art Acuna, Joaquin and Cardo are discussing about the value of black market trade and internal organs. Kidneys are high in demand.

Meanwhile, Thomas is having a drink with Fernan (medina). He scolds Fernan because he allowed his goons to be captured in the CCTV cameras. Apparently, these two have an agreement that Fernan will only kidnap street children, or kids who have no one to look for them. Kids from Malls are a no-no. Thomas threatens Fernan he won’t allow everything he worked hard for to be destroyed.

The CIDG are discussing about how to capture the syndicates. Art Acuna asks for Cardo’s advice on what they should do. Joaquin is still looking mum and strokes his chin.

Fernan scolds his men because they allowed themselves to be caught by the CCTV. But his men also remind him that they only acted according to his orders. Fernan tells them to work hard next time.

( Looks like Fernan is cheating Thomas! May sideline pala siya that also deals with internal organs.)

The Tuazons are having poolside breakfast/lunch. Rachel feels sorry because no one is taking care of Joaquin. He can’t even take care of his own condo. Thomas look sad, but tells everything depends on Joaquin’s choice. Rachel wants their family to be complete. Verna quickly changes the topic and tells Rachel she will be late for school. The kid kisses her parents and leaves.

Joaquin and his gang are talking. Joaquin clarifies that their family business is child-trafficking, not selling internal organs. They also ask if Joaquin is sure that Carmen’s affection for Cardon won’t return. Joaquin has a monologue that he does want to make sure about it and plots a way to find out.
Verna is talking with Edgar as Norma escorts Carmen to their living room. The Guzmans leave the two to talk. Verna apologizes for firing Carmen. Carmen replies she understands where Verna is coming from since she, too, is a mother. And mothers want the best for their children. Verna agrees and tells her she will support their relationship. Carmen is worried about Thomas. Verna asks to keep it between them and promises she will talk to Joaquin’s dad.

Joaquin brings a blindfolded Carmen to somewhere dark and romantic. She removes her blindfold and asks : “Ano to?”. Joaquin asks if she likes the candlelit dinner he prepared. He also hands her a bouquet of red roses. BUT WAIT, THERE’s MORE! Carmen sees something sparking in Joaquin’s hands. Oh my God. NO. just NO. JOAQUIN HAS AN EXPENSIVE DIAMOND RING AND KNEELS DOWN TO PROPOSE TO HER!

At hindi lang ako ang no, pati ang mukha ni Carmen, “NO!” rin ang sinisigaw! 

Carmen starts to freak out and repeatedly tells him she is not ready. (YES!)  Joaquin asks if she is sure with her decision. Carmen apologizes and starts to tremble.

Poor Joaquin looks at the expensive diamond ring and cries. He then rushes to the balcony and Carmen becomes hysterical. Carmen follows him and tells him to step down. Joaquin bleakly responds she is his life. If he can’t be with her, then it would be better to die. With all her might, Carmen pulls Joaquin and embraces him. God, parehong umiiyak ang blackmailer at ang bi-nlackmail!


(Yes Carmen! Because you don’t deserve to be treated like crap! 
This is blackmail in the purest form! Blackmail is the worst way to earn a person’s love! 
Blackmail is a sign of a person's immaturity, unreliability and being untrustworthy! )

But Joaquin pulls his favorite card-- "Mahal na mahal kita!" Carmen is still crying but finally says she accepts his proposal. Joaquin embraces the unhappiest bride-to-be. He kisses her hair.
(Sh*t. Ang sarap sampalin ng expression niya, but it only proves how good he is as an actor!)

The Guzmans notice Carmen is silent as they have breakfast. Norma asks if Carmen wants to say something. Ryan mentions his sister has been silent all along. Carmen says nothing. Joaquin enters their home and greets them. Edgar asks why he came so early. Joaquin tells them he will escort Junior to school. Joaquin asks if Carmen told him the news. The family give him big question mark look. He holds Carmen’s hand, as she presents the engagement ring he gave her. Joaquin takes the ring and puts in on her finger. The family is not pleased and it’s very obvious Carmen is not either.
Cardo is with Lola Kap in the Barangay Hall advising everyone to be vigilant and monitor their children. Cardo instructs them to report suspicious looking men to the police. He asks for everyone’s cooperation, especially for their barangay’s safety.

Thomas sees Fernan’s goon on the front page and angrily scolds him again. Fernan apologizes and asks what Thomas wants him to do. Thomas sarcastically replies: “Tinatanong pa ba yan?”

Onyok tells Cardo that he and Keana will help spread the news. Benny remarks that if the kids will help, they are only endangering themselves. Keana,  replies Benny will be there to protect them.
Fernan’s 2 goons are talking to their comrade on the floor. They warn him they are in danger. Fernan appears and shoots them.

Cardo calls Glen to tell her he has the list of patients needing donors. Their next step is to contact the families so they can trace the syndicates. Glen tells him the only help she can do is to review the records to check whether the 3 men were charged with kidnapping cases. Cardo thanks Glen for the help, but says, “No, THANK YOU Cardo!”. She tells him she can’t remove her personal feelings on the case because she feel pity for the mother. Cardo responds he understands her.

Fernan is talking to his new henchmen, who tease him how difficult it is to fail Thomas’ expectation. His phone rings and Fernan excuses himself to answer it. The other man of the line is a doctor, and reminds him not to drink too much because Kidneys are expensive. He also reminds him that Fernan owes him a lot. The camera pans out to reveal that Fernan’s true boss is actually…..ERIC QUIZON!

(Actually, dapat ang liver ang pag-iingatan kung mahilig ka uminon. Alcohol damages your liver kasi, lalo na kapag chronic drinker ka. Diretso kasi ang alcohol sa liver… hay naku, itong mga writers talaga)


CarCar fans, this is the episode I'm sure we will all hate. Carmen marries Joaquin in a civil wedding!
Joaquin brings Carmen and Junior home, but Thomas does not welcome them. "Ba't ko pa sila iwe-ewlcome na hindi naman sila magtatagal?) How can Cardo fulfill his promise to Ador, now that Joaquin, in another monologue, tells the televiewers: "Sa wakas, nakuha ko na din ang pamilya mo"  when the three of them visit Ador's grave?

1 comment:

  1. Waaaaaaaa..ganun lang pala ginawa ni Cardo? Binasbasan nya ang relasyon nina Carmen at Joaquin? Eh wala naman palang maaasahan sa na maging sila eh..kasi di nya talaga mahal si Carment. Mas mabuti na lang sana umalis na lang si Carmen sa Pilipinas. nakakita ng magandang trabaho kuno sa ibang bansa. TSSSSSS....I HATE CARDO NOW!!!!! Dagdag pasakit ka sa butihing maybahay na si Carmen. Oh Ador...kunin mo na lang ang asawa mo..sinisira ng writer ang buhay ni magiging kawawa naman ang buhay ng Junior mo! TSK TSK TSK...#NOTOAPwatching!


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